Peat Moss

A Moss especially of the genus Sphagnum out of which peat can be formed is the peat is the layer of decaying, water-saturated sphagnum moss that has sunk below the surface. It is the basis of swamp land, forming over thousands of years. Peat Moss is acidic and high in Tannins and Contains a mixture of organic materials, including moss, decaying plant matter, dead insects and can be up to 70% water. Peat Moss is naturally compacted and sold compressed into bales These are used as mulch or seedbed and for acidification and can be found in potting soils in nearly every gardening center in the world, Peat Moss help the soil to hold the nutrients because of its Cat ion exchange Capacity. Peat Moss alone does not make a good potting mix therefore it should be mixed with garden soil and other ingredients to make up one third of the volume of the total mix to make a good potting mix. It is also called as Bog Moss.
Advantages of Using Peat Moss-:
- Peat Moss is Sterile i.e. it won’t begin the weeds, diseases, pathogens etc.
- Peat Moss Moderate the extremes dryness and wetness in the soil.
- Peat Moss holds the valuable nutrients in the soil
- Peat Moss is good source of organic matter which improves soil structure, aeration and prevents compaction of the soil.
- Peat moss is of acidic ph level therefore good for acid loving plants like Strawberries, Blue berries, Cranberries, Currants, Apple, Grapes, Azaleas, Camellias, Hydrangeas, heathers, Daffodils, Magnolia, Marigold, Gardenia, Begonia, Caladium, Tomato, Radish, Sweet Potato, Potato, Parsley, Rhubarb, Carrot, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cucumber etc.