Mustard Cake

Mustard cake OR Mustard Khal (Brassica Napus) is the residue left over after extracting the Oil from mustard seed . Mustard oil cake is a biofertilizer widely used in agriculture and fish cultivation. It is a good organic fertilizer with rich mineral content and works as a good source of natural Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium. It is easily available, economical, and easy to break down and apply to the soil as a soil conditioner. In addition to reducing viruses and nematodes, mustard oil cake increases plant survival rate and yield. In nut- shell it nurtures the plants naturally.
Advantages of Using Mustard Cake-:
- It is a organic fertilizer which Promotes Developments of healthier roots of Plants
- I t is a Good Source of Protein, major plant nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium and other micronutrients.
- It can be easily mixed with soil and reaches root easily Makes the flowers bigger and leaves shinier
- It prevents the disease and improves the overall health of the plant.